Thursday, August 04, 2005


Bush porn

Outrage fatigue is a real phenomenon, in spite of the Onion's article about it last year. Watching this administration, and the Republicans in general, while coming from a point of view that is rational, or humanist, or progressive, you start become inured to it. It's like porn - you have to take a break from it from time to time or you'll stop feeling any genuine reaction to it.

And yet, there are the addicts. Bush porn, like any porn, can trigger a sensor in the brains of those not smart enough to stay away from it, to the point that the LACK of any outrageous statement or action by this administration leads to a sense of incompleteness. Like NFL addicts after the Super Bowl. Fortunately, we never have to go long without our fix.

For me it started in 1999, when it became clear that the money that had been raised for Bush, plus his name recognition, plus the fact that he won two elections for governor of the increasingly scary state of Texas, would give the man an almost insurmountable lead in the GOP primary, and that HE was the man that the entire party, basically, was comfortable rallying around because they so desperately needed a win after the long national nightmare of peace & prosperity under Clinton. The 2000 debates. The stolen election. The "uniter" naming John Ashcroft my attorney general. The unilateral disengagement from international treaties (without any public discussion). The tax cut/deficit shell game. The 2002 elections. Naming Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 commission. And of course, the rush to war.

Oh, and Abu Ghraib.

And his loyalty to Karl Rove.

And the gay marriage crap.

Point being: when the president gives his endorsement to "intelligent design" I am now like, "ho hum." When the president spouts such inanities as "grim reminder that we are at war" when 14 marines die in one attack, I am merely nauseated. When it becomes increasingly clear that Bush made a fortune off of a steroid-riddled team, and that he was likely aware of the riddled nature of said team, and yet that aspect of the story is ignored ... it's just like watching hour three of a four-hour long wall-to-wall adult film: wake me up when something surprising happens.

So for the foreseeable future, my postings to this blog will be porn-free (except for Friday semen blogging of course). It will be about positive developments in the world, and will ignore the snuff-film-in-the-room that is the Bush administration. Unless something truly, truly, truly outrageous happens, I pledge chastity and positivity.

Wish me luck...

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