Friday, May 06, 2005


Friday semen blogging

International edition.

Lyn May es la vedette más famosa y erótica de México. Desde muy joven posó desnuda para revistas y su época dorada fue en los 70. Hoy, después de casi toda una vida dedicada al striptease y con casi 60 años de edad, esta exótica mujer confiesa tener el secreto para la eterna juventud: una crema facial cuyo principal componente es el semen y “es infalible”, según la actriz.

Well, whatever works... The question is, how does she get her raw material?? Well, according to her manager, she harvests it herself:

A través de donaciones de chicos guapos entre 18 a 21 años, atractivos, fornidos y sexualmente empeñosos. ... Si ve a un chavo atractivo lo invita a su casa y le paga 500 pesos por el semen (26 mil pesos chilenos).

I won't say not to try it at home, but if you do, please remember to mix in oats, milk, and honey.

A 60+ year-old stripper! Sheesh. I worked with two women who were in their late 30's during my brief stint as an exotic dancer. One of them still had it, the other did not. I always felt bad for the one who lost her groove because the customers would consistently made fun of her. I wonder whatever happened to her. -LS
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