Friday, April 01, 2005


Friday semen blogging

This one surprised me:

Semen to blame in 12% of workplace injuries

(A.P.) April 1, 2005

In 2004, semen-related accidents were the fourth most common form of worker injury in the country, according to a report released today by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor today. In its annual report on Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities, the report revealed that semen injuries most typically involved slipping, eye wounds, or repetitive motion injuries.

This was the first year that the report separated out semen from toxic substances, which was number three on the 2004 list. Heavy objects and fire were the top two causes of workplace injuries.

The number came as a surprise to government officials. "We've known for a long time that semen in the workplace posed hazards, particularly for night watchmen, professional musicians, and farm hands,” said Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. “But none of us thought it would be this extensive. I have informed President Bush about the situation, and we have agreed that reducing semen-related injuries will be a major priority in his second term.”

Secretary Chao noted that in 2004, for the first time in nearly a decade, there were no semen-related fatalities reported. She failed to mention, however, the seven deaths so far in 2005 linked to semen, including a high-profile incident in February in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in which five died.

The statistics in the OSHA injury report are compiled from worker compensation claims, insurance industry estimates, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It is available online at

I hadn’t heard about the Colorado Springs incident & can’t find anything online. Can anyone help??

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